Pos: 32 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/A/Überschrift 1.1: A us gabewer te @ 17\m od_1252313079521_ 75.docx @ 434319 @ 2 @ 1
Output Values
Pos: 33 / Technische Dokumentation/Leistungsmess technik/Z7 Z ubehör allgemein/ 2201 S KM 2/ BA/Inhalt: Z722 Aus gabewerte v0.15 ( Bild) @ 30\mod_ 1359633423352_0.docx @ 1706627 @ @ 1
Pos: 34 / Technische Dokumentation/Leistungsmess technik/Z7 Z ubehör allgemein/ 2201 S KM 2/ BA/Inhalt: Z722 Aus gabewerte v0.15 ( Text) @ 30\mod_ 1359633491992_75.d ocx @ 1706701 @ @ 1
The functions described are available in software V0.15 (22.09.2011) or later.
Peak Force F
(in this example 561 N)
The peak force F
is the maximum value of the closing force.
If F
> 999 N, ---N appears on the display.
Effective Force F
(in this example 220 N)
The effective force F
is the mean value of the closing force in relation to the pulse
If F
> 999 N, ---N appears on the display.
Pulse duration T (in this example 6.3 s)
The pulse duration starts when the closing force exceeds 50 N and ends when it
falls below 50 N.
If T > 99,9 s, --,-s appears on the display.
Clamping Force F (in this example 299 N)
The clamping force F is the arithmetic mean of the effective forces.
If F > 999 N, ---N appears on the display.
Current Force (in this example 189 N)
In the bottom right-hand corner the current force in N is displayed.