Pos: 71 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/A/Überschrift 1.1: A usschalten @ 15\m od_1245314486547_ 75.docx @ 390887 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 72 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/49 Radgreifer-Hebebühnen/1201 MCL/BA/I nhalt: 4912 A usschalten MCL/RGB/RGA @ 15\m od_1245314693378_ 75.docx @ 390939 @ @ 1
1 Before shutting down the lift, open the
column unit using button "0/1".
LED "Column unit" goes off.
2 Turn main switch to position 0.
Pos: 73 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/N/Überschr ift 1.1: Notab-Funktion, m echanisch @ 15\mod_ 1245250921286_75.d ocx @ 390749 @ 2 @ 1
Emergency-down Function, Mechanical
Pos: 74 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/00 HBZ Alle/Inhalte/ Warnung!/Inhalt: Warnung - M anuelles Absenken nur durch geschultes Personal @ 6\mod_ 1180962217687_ 75.docx @ 95217 @ @ 1
Authorized personnel only! Do not restart the lift before the error has been remedied.
Pos: 75 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/49 Radgreifer-Hebebühnen/1201 MCL/BA/I nhalt: 4912 Notab-Funktion, m echanisch (Bild er) MCL / RG B @ 15\mod_ 1243953835571_0.docx @ 384971 @ @ 1
Pos: 76 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/49 Radgreifer-Hebebühnen/1201 MCL/BA/I nhalt: 4912 Notab-Funktion, m echanisch (Text) MCL / RG B @ 15\mod_ 1243953772273_75.d ocx @ 384941 @ @ 1
In case of power failure or defects the lift can be lowered manually. The lift may only be lowered,
not raised.
1 Remove the fan cowl from the motor.
2 Screw a hex head cap screw M8x10 into the thread inside the motor shaft.
3 Place a suitable socket on the screw and turn it in clockwise direction using a hand drill, until
the carriage has lowered approx. 50 mm.
4 Intermittently lower the columns in increments of approx. 50 mm, until the lift is in bottom
5 After the error has been remedied, perform an emergency-down to reinitialize the control, or
contact your service representative.
Pos: 77 /----- Format-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1