Pos: 58 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/P/Überschrift 1.1: Pr üfablauf @ 8\m od_1200574029101_ 75.d ocx @ 140824 @ 2 @ 1
Test Procedure
Pos: 59 / Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/- Archiv -/- Bremsprüftechnik A lle -/Inhalte/I nfo!/Inhalt: Info - Bremsprüfung VO R S chlupfabschaltung beenden @ 41\m od_1421412099129_ 75.docx @ 2185494 @ @ 1
The statutory requirements for the verification of braking efficiency do not demand
that the brake test be completed until slippage cutoff occurs.
Automatic slippage cutoff should be generally regarded as a safety feature,
the cutoff point for brake testing.*
It is adequate to terminate the test at approx. 90% of the maximum braking force.
This method is strongly recommended to help prevent tyre damage!
* Please note the implementing provisions for braking efficiency determination.
Pos: 60 / Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/MBT-SERIE S/E12901 MBT 1000 E URO SYS TEM/BA/Inhalt: E129 Prüfab lauf ( Tex t) @ 41\mod_ 1421659346487_75.d ocx @ 2185650 @ @ 1
1 Enter the roller set with the front wheel/axle (A).
2 Secure the rear wheel/axle with the clamping device (B).
3 Perform the brake test.
4 Open the clamping device at the rear wheel/axle.
5 Enter the roller set with the rear wheel/axle.
6 Secure the front wheel/axle with the clamping device.
7 Perform the brake test.
8 Open the clamping device at the front wheel/axle.
9 Exit the brake tester.
Pos: 61 / Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/MBT-SERIE S/E12901 MBT 1000 E URO SYS TEM/BA/Inhalt: E129 Prüfab lauf ( Bilder) @ 41\mod_ 1421660434643_0.docx @ 2185752 @ @ 1
Pos: 62 / Technische Dokumentation/Bremsprüftechnik/MBT-SERIE S/E12901 MBT 1000 E URO SYS TEM/BA/Inhalt: Info - M BT EUROSY STEM- BA b eigefügt @ 41\m od_1421660105247_ 75.docx @ 2185696 @ @ 1
For a detailed description of the test lane software please see the operating in-
structions MBT EUROSYSTEM (document No. BAE10101-en, included).
Pos: 63 /----- Format-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1