Pos: 49 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/B/ Überschrift 1.1: Bed ienelemente @ 13\mod_ 1237975099177_ 75.docx @ 359008 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 50 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 36 Säulen-Hebebühnen/ 3901 HL CS 4.0/ BA/Inhalt: 3639 Bed ienelemente ( Bild) @ 29\m od_1347608791654_ 0.docx @ 1653663 @ @ 1
Pos: 51 / Technische Dokumentation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 36 Säulen-Hebebühnen/ 3901 HL CS 4.0/ BA/Inhalt: 3639 Bed ienelemente ( Tex t) @ 29\m od_1347611147025_ 75.docx @ 1653708 @ @ 1
A: RAISE / LOWER Buttons
When button RAISE or LOWER is pushed, the lift moves until the button is re-
leased or the limit stop is reached.
To lower the lift onto the nearest possible mechanical lock, push the LOWER but-
ton without pulling the latch release lever.
B: CE STOP Button
When the lift is being fully lowered, the support arms stop automatically before
reaching bottom position. To lower the support arms completely, release the
LOWER button and push the CE STOP button. The remaining lift travel is accom-
panied by an audible signal.
Pos: 52 /----- Format-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1