4 - Operation and Maintenance
DynaFlex II Go| Secure Card Reader | PCI PTS POI v6.2 Security Policy
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Patching and Updating
DynaFlex II Go products support file-based updates of the device’s core firmware (main firmware) and
authorized commands for updating sensitive configuration. For optimal device security, MagTek
recommends the latest versions of firmware should always be installed.
Firmware updates are provided as files that have been signed by MagTek. The firmware files can be
loaded locally through USB or Bluetooth LE connection by using update tools available from the MagTek
web site. The device verifies each update is newer than the installed version, and cryptographically
authenticates the file. If version checking or authentication fails, the device erases the update file and
reports an error to the host.
For help with updates to EMV configuration, contact Magensa Remote Services.
Before DynaFlex II Go products are permanently removed from service, all the keys and sensitive data
must be erased. One way to accomplish this is by temporarily removing the back cover, which forces a
tamper response.
If removal from service is only temporary, no action is required. All sensitive data will continue to be
protected by the device’s physical and logical protection mechanisms.