1. Epilation is most effective after taking
a bath or having a shower.
2. Make sure your skin is clean, dry and
free of any creams, oils or makeup.
3. Select the cap you require: Precision
or Regular.
The Precision Cap is best suited for
precision and smaller areas such as
bikini line. (A)
The Regular Cap is best for larger
areas such as the legs. (B)
4. To change caps, simply pull hard on
either side of the white head. (C)
5. Move the Power button upwards to
select the speed you require:
Use Speed 1 for areas with little hair
growth, hard-to-reach areas and for
around knees and ankles
Use Speed 2 for larger areas with
more hair growth or thicker hair
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6. Use your free hand to stretch the area
of skin you are going to epilate. (D)
7. Place the epilator perpendicular to the
skin. Move slowly over the skin, against
the direction of hair growth. (E)
8. Once you’re done, you can apply a
soothing post-shave moisturiser to calm
the skin. Any redness is normal and
should soon disappear.