50-613 Kotron
Series 82 CE RF Level Transmitter
1.6.4 Four-Wire Transmitter with Meter
All power must be turned off until all of the wiring connec-
tions have been made.
All wiring between the power supply and the transmitter
should be done with 14 AWG to 18 AWG wire. The con-
nection is made at the terminal strip, on the vertical board,
within the transmitter enclosure.
1. Remove the meter housing cover.
2. Remove the two screws holding the meter bracket to the
housing. Pull the meter gently out of the housing, being
careful not to disturb the wiring. Lay it on one side.
3. Pull the power supply wires through the conduit
4. Connect the hot and neutral wires to the outer terminals
on the terminal strip. Connect the ground wire to the
green ground screw at the base of the housing. Refer to
Figure 8.
5. Replace the meter in its housing and install the meter
bracket screws. Be sure that the meter wires are tucked
away before replacing the meter housing cover.
6. Replace the transmitter housing cover until calibration.
7. Proceed to
Calibration, Section 1.7
Figure 8
AC Power
AC (N)
AC (H)
Power Supply &
Signal Terminals