Installation and Placement
It is generally understood that placement of subwoofers is very flexible. While subwoofers do offer more latitude
in placement due to the long wavelengths at low frequencies, technically, there is an ideal place in a given room
for optimum subwoofer performance. The DW 1 is a woofer, not a subwoofer. And the superior performance of
the DW 1, as compared to a subwoofer, is due in part, to extremely wide bandwidth (flat to 5 kHz). The DW 1 can
seamlessly cross over at a higher frequency to any of the limited bandwidth "Maggie" models. However, the
higher crossover points require proper time alignment to achieve the most seamless blend between the DW 1 and
the limited bandwidth Magneplanar. Therefore, the DW 1 should be equi-distance from the listener to limited
bandwidth Magneplanar. Minor adjustments from that position are often necessary for "fine tuning" as described
under "Phasing" below.
As a general rule, dipole speakers produce the deepest and most linear bass and midbass when positioned
approximately 4-6 feet from the front wall or 1/3 of the way into a room. This rule may conflict with the necessity
to have correct time alignment with the "small" Maggies. Since rooms vary greatly, these setup instructions are
principles of operation and specific and detailed instructions are not possible. Magnepan and our dealers can
provide advice on the specifics of your room.
The DW 1 will give the lowest frequency response if a boundary is used to reduce dipole cancellation of bass
frequencies. A placement along a wall or next to a cabinet or piece of furniture as shown in Fig. 2 will reduce
dipole cancellation.
The DW 1 should be oriented so it is perpendicular to the side wall and playing down the length of the room as
shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2