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- Repetitive Motion Injury and Eyestrain:
Playing video games can make muscles, joints, or eyes hurt. Follow these instructions
to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or eyestrain:
Avoid excessive play, parents should monitor their children for appropriate play
Take a 10-15 minute break every hour, even if you do not think you need it
If your hands, wrists, arms, or eyes become tired or sore when playing, or if you
feel any tingling, numbness or stiffness, stop and rest for several hours before
playing again
If you continue to have any of the above symptoms or discomfort during or after
play, stop playing and consult a doctor
- Motion Sickness:
Playing video games can cause motion sickness in some players. If you or your child
feel dizzy or nauseous when playing video games, stop playing and rest. Do not drive
a vehicle or engage in other demanding activity until you feel better.
- Console Damage:
The console can be damaged if knocked over, the support stand has been included
to increase stability of the console. The support stand should be used if the console is
placed in a vertical position.
Remote Precautions:
1. Use and tighten the wrist strap. Make sure that all players using the system are
wearing the wrist straps of the remotes, and that they have been tightened using
the strap lock. When sharing a remote between multiple players, be sure each
person using the remote takes the time to properly put on the wrist strap. Wearing
the wrist strap will help prevent the remote from flying across the room if you
accidentally let go of it during game play.
2. Hold the remote firmly and do not let go. Even while wearing the wrist strap,
ensure you do not let go of the remote during game play and do not use excessive
Play Area Precautions:
Ensure you have plenty of room to move about. You will probably move around while
using the system. Make sure that furniture, objects and people are out of the play area
so you don’t accidentally bump into them while playing. It is recommended to play at
least 3 feet away from the television. For best operation, use the remote directly in
front of the TV and console.