Converting Between 2- and 4-wheel Positions
Note: Be sure to allow adequate room on a flat, clear surface for converting the convertible truck
between 2- and 4-wheel positions.
Caution: While converting the truck between the 2- and 4-wheel positions, take care to keep
hands out of the way of moving parts.
From 2-wheel to 4-wheel:
1. Hold the truck securely with one hand on the B-handle and the other hand on the top frame cross
member; press release latch (see Figure 1).
2. Keeping the B-handle as perpendicular to the ground as possible, slide the frame down the
B-handle until the handle plate rests on the spreader rod (see Figures 2 and 3).
3. You are now ready to use the convertible truck in the 4-wheel position.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
From 4-wheel to 2-wheel:
1. Place one hand securely on the B-handle and the other hand on the top frame cross member
2. Keeping the B-handle as perpendicular to the ground as possible, begin to slide the frame up the
B-handle (see Figure 5). Continue lifting the frame to the top of the B-handle as you orient the
frame so that it becomes perpendicular to the ground (see Figures 5 and 6).
3. With the truck wheels and nose resting squarely on the ground, swing the bottom of the B-handle
toward the cart frame so that the spreader rod locks firmly in place with the latch/lock assembly
(see Figure 6)
4. You are now ready to use the convertible truck in the 2-wheel position
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6