Choose Enabled (default) or Disabled. This option allows user
to enable or disable the external cache memory.
External Cache
Default is A , C, SCSI. This option determines which drive
to boot at first for an operating system.
Boot Sequence
Choose Enabled (default) or Disabled. This option allows user
to enable or disable the CPU internal cache.
CPU Internal Cache
Default is A, C, SCSI. This option determines which drive
to boot at first for an operating system.
Swap Floppy Drive
Choose Enabled (default) or Disabled. This option allows user
to speed up the Power-On-Self-Test routine.
Quick Power On Self
Choose Enabled (default) or Disabled.
CPU L2 Cache ECC
Note: Many diagnostic (or boot manager) programs which
attempt to access the boot sector table can cause
the above warning message. If you will be running
such a program, we recommend that you disable the
virus protection first.
Enabled: Activates automatically when the system boots up
causing a warning message to appear if there is
anything attempting to access the boot sector or
Hard Disk partition table.
Disabled: No warning message will appear when there is
something attempting to access the boot sector or
Hard Disk partition table.
Virus Warning
Choose Enabled or Disabled (default).
Processor Number