Before Riding:
• Always wear appropriate safety gear including wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads, and a helmet.
• Always wear appropriate shoes and clothes
Step 1
: Turn on the Monster Wheel
Step 2:
Hold onto a stable object or use a friend for help. Once you place your foot on the footpad
keep the foot pad level. This will keep the wheels from turning. If wheels begin to turn, your foot is
not evenly placed on the footpad.
Step 3:
With your center of gravity over the Monster Wheel and even pressure on the front and back
of the footpads, the Monster Wheel will remain stationary. You only need small adjustments in
pressure by leaning or pressing forward or backward to activate the sensors and control your direction.
Step 4:
Control the direction of the Monster Wheel by applying more pressure to one side.
Apply pressure forward with your right foot and the right platform will move forward faster allowing
you to move to your left.
Step 5:
DO NOT STEP OFF FORWARD. DO NOT JUMP OFF. Always step off backwards to
dismount. When learning hold on to someone or some stationary object. To avoid movement by
the Monster Wheel during dismount, keep the footpads flat and do not apply pressure to one side
or the other.
Tips: Practice dismounts with help to get used to how
the Monster Wheel reacts to shifts in pressure.