Magic Chef® Air Fryer Product Guide
Quick Start Guide
The air fryer can prepare a large range of ingredients. Please refer to the “Settings” section of the
manual for more information.
Air Frying Instructions
Plug the main cord into a wall socket.
Carefully pull the pan out of the air fryer.
Place the ingredients into the basket.
Never fill the basket in full or exceed the recommended amount, as this could
affect the quality of the end result.
Slide the pan back into the air fryer properly.
Never use the pan without the basket in it.
If the pan isn’t properly placed inside air fryer, the appliance won’t work.
Do not touch the pan during and right after use, as it gets very hot. Only hold
the pan by the handle.
Turn the temperature control knob to the required temperature. See
section of the
manual to determine the right temperature.
Determine the required preparation time for the ingredient. See
section of the manual.
To switch on the appliance, turn the timer knob to the required preparation time
The power-on light and the heating-up light turns on.
The timer starts counting down the set preparation time.
During the air frying process, the heating light will turn on and turn off from time to
time. This indicates that the heating element is switched on and off to maintain the set
Excess oil from the ingredients will collect at the bottom of the pan.
Some ingredients must be shaken halfway through the preparation time, especially larger
quantities. To shake the ingredients, pull the pan out of the appliance by the handle and shake,
then slide the pan back into the air fryer and continue to cook.
Do not press the button on the handle while shaking.
Tip 1:
To reduce the weight, you can release the basket from the pan and shake only the
basket. To do this, pull the pan out of the appliance, place on a heat-resistant surface
and press the button on the handle that releases the basket.
Tip 2:
You can set the cook timer for half of the total cooking time and the timer bell will
indicate when to shake the ingredients, though the timer would need to be reset for the
remainder of the cooking time.
Tip 3:
If the timer is set to the full cooking time, there is no timer bell to indicate when to
shake the ingredients, but you can pull the pan out at any time to do so. The appliance
will pause automatically when the pan is removed, and resume when it is put back.