Chapter 5
Registration to the network
Carrier requirement:
Before the modem can be use, it is necessary to supply the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) of the modem to the carrier
and set up an account on their network.
First time activation on Verizon Wireless Network:
The M100 CDMA
will only work on the Verizon network. Prior to the first activation of the modem, make sure that a
service plan has been secured with Verizon or a MVNO using their network.
To activate the modem, you need to type commands on the serial port (or USB port after installation of USB driver). A
Terminal software is necessary. Maestro Configuration Software utility can be used using the "Terminal" tab of the tool
(see Chapter 6 for installation and use of this tool).
Then, before starting the actual activation procedure, please check that the modem is powered up, the antenna is well
fixed on the "Cellular" connector and signal strength is good with the AT command "AT+CSQ" (wait 20s after it is powered
up to have a stable value). A good signal is a value >11 for the 1st parameter of the command result.
If signal is below 11, it is recommended to move the equipment to a better area.
When signal is good enough, check the registration status with the command AT+CREG? .
The 2nd parameter should be 1 or 5 meaning that it is registered on the network and ready for operation. If it is not the
case and if the signal strength is good, you might need to check the registration of your modem with the network operator.
The activation procedure on the Verizon network is triggered by the command <
; > the following messages
will display:
After several second you will see:
Then to check if the activation was successful, you can use the AT!ACTSTAT? Command. If !ACTSTAT is 1 the device is
well activated on Verizon.
/!\ Note: If device is already registered to the network (+IPCONNECT=1,1) the !ACTSTAT command won't work.
Details of current serving network is given by the command AT!STATUS.
Current band: Cellular Sleep
Current channel: 507
SID: 40 NID: 6 1xRoam: 64 HDRRoam: 0
Temp: 25 State: 200 Sys Mode: CDMA
Pilot acquired
Modem has registered