V1.1 – Mar-11
User’s Manual
Page 14 of 18
6.3 ICC Jumper
Figure 10: ICC jumper
As long as the VCC DIP switch is “ON” the ICC jumper is bridged. By switching off the
VCC switch the current draw of the A1084-A GPS receiver can be measured directly
by connecting a low resistance measurement device to the ICC jumper.
The low resistance measurement device should be connected before VCC is
switched off!
7 NMEA Port
Default setting: 4800 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control!
Standard NMEA-0183 output on NMEA, baud rate selectable.
Standard USB connectors
8 EVA1084-A Firmware and NMEA Sentences
See separate document
GPS Firmware
for a detailed description of the standard
firmware loaded onto the modules delivered with the EVA1084.