Check to see if the nylon head is damaged before replacing the cord. If you can see serious traces of wear
or damage, you must replace the complete nylon head.
Stop the engine
Open the nylon head by pushing on the catches, Fig 26, and then pull apart the nylon head Fig 27.
Pull the bobbin out of the nylon head and take out the rest of the nylon cords Fig 28.
Fold the cord, 3.0mm Ø and 4 meters long into two equal lengths.
Hook the cord from the middle on the bobbin slot Fig 28, and then wind the cord Fig 29.
After winding the cord, insert both ends into the notches on the bobbin, Fig30.
Introduce each end of the cords into the nylon head cover slots Fig 31. The cords should stick out appx 15
cm either side.
Put back the nylon head case (make sure the bump spring is not missing) and line up the case slot with
the cover slot Fig 33, and then push in to fit together the nylon head Fig 34.
Never use a cutting device other than those supplied by the manufacturer. (Steel cord is never
allowed) Always use original spare parts in order to benefit from continuous warranty
Fig 26
Fig 27
Fig 28
Fig 29
wind direction