knob and the slave channel (left) voltage tracks the master voltage. Total output
voltage is the summation of the master and slave. Serial mode output can be obtained
from the “+” terminal of master channel (right) and “-“ terminal of the slave
In serial mode, the currents of the master and slave channels are still independent. If
the slave current is not set at the maximum, the slave voltage will not track master
voltage when the load current exceeds the slave set current.
In serial mode, master channel “-“ terminal and slave channel “+” terminal are
shorted internally, no external connection is necessary. It both of the master and
slave negative terminals are shorted to ground terminals (middle terminals on both of
the master and slave channels), the connections should be removed. Otherwise the
slave channel will be shorted to the ground.
Parallel mode
Set both of the mode switches at the down positions to select the parallel mode.
Output voltages of the master and slave will change at the same time when the
master (right) voltage knob is adjusted.
In parallel mode, both the slave (left) voltage and current adjustments are disabled.
Both channel’s currents are controlled by the master current knob. Total current
output is the summation of the master and slave channels.
In parallel mode, The “+” and “-“ terminals on the master(right) and slave(left)
channels are connected internally, no external connection is necessary. Load should
be connected to the master (right) channel terminals.
Before the power supply is turned on, make sure that there is no load connected to it;
otherwise damage to the power supply and the load may happen.
The power supply should be used in a normal working environment. Do not place it
under direct sunshine, or in shaking or chemical smoke areas.
Warning: Do not perform the following steps if you are not a trained
Fuse replacement
The power supply will not work if the fuse is burnt or absent. Check and fix any
existing problems before the new fuse is inserted. Use a fuse with the same
specifications as the original one. The fuse is located inside the AC power socket
which is on the back panel.
Disconnect the AC power before replacing the fuse.
Warning: to prevent fire, use only a 250V or above fuse with the specified