User’s Manual for Xplore
Version 2.53 - Version date: 15.02.2022
Training of others by superusers
A superuser can train other assistants/caretakers. A superuser have received training on how to use
the product by a Made for Movement representative and is officially approved to work with the
product. The superuser will train other assistants/caretakers in accordance with the user manual and
use the Appendix 1 during training.
Assistants/caretakers that have received training by the superuser shall be noted below.
This filled-in written document should be stored securely where the product is being used, and in
compliance with GDPR, so that no personal information is publicly available. The document shall be
available for Made for Movement upon request.
Please note that only persons that have received training are allowed to operate the product with
the user.
The product serial no: __________________________
User initials: __________________________________ (user is the person (anonymized) using the
Superuser (name): _____________________________ (superuser is responsible for the
training of other assistants/caretakers)
Persons that have received training by the superuser: (BLOCK LETTERS)
Date training received: