REV – 1.3
[34-2900-0207-4 ]
P a g e
- Server Out-of-Range Icon
Appears if the Server’s beacon was not received at the most recent attempt to broadcast.
RNG Icon
Appears briefly at the beginning of each broadcast attempt to indicate the radio is awaiting the Server’s
If the beacon is not received after a few seconds, the broadcast is terminated unsuccessfully, and the icon
is displayed instead of the SNIFF icon.
- Server Previously Out-of-Range Icon
Will appear instead of the SNIFF Icon if subsequent attempts receive the beacon and broadcasts
Useful in determining if intermittent communication failures are a result of this TXP-WTA Sensor Transmitter
having problems receiving the Server’s beacon as opposed to the controller not receiving the TXP-WTA
Sensor Transmitter broadcast packet.
NOTE: Duration and frequency of “out-of-range” conditions are stored in the Controller Event Log table described in
Wireless Receiver Instruction Manual.
- Low Battery Icon
Appears during sniffs when the 3.6-volt lithium battery is near end of life.
Figure 4-1 – Readout Screen