The GD-2B is not designed to measure compliance with Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) commercial or industrial standards.
If the gas used is natural gas (methane) mount the GD-2B on a wall about one foot
down from the ceiling. If the gas used is propane (LP), mount the GD-2B on a wall or
column one foot above the floor. Use the same spacing as for smoke detectors- 30-
foot centers, 900 square feet per detector.
As shipped, the GD-2B faceplate is mounted on the enclosure's rear-housing
component. This enclosure configuration allows the unit to be surface mounted flush
on a wall. Wiring is routed through an access area on the base of the rear housing.
A thin mid-plate enclosure component is also supplied with the GD-2B. Using the
supplied screws, this mid-plate component is used to mount the GD-2B on a 2 x 4 inch
(5.08cm x 10.16 cm) switch box - single-gang or "handy", provided by the installer. The
GD-2B's faceplate component (with the detector attached) is then mounted on the mid-
plate component.
Electrical connections to the GD-2B are made via the supplied six-conductor pigtail
cable. The pigtail cable is first connected to the control panel wiring by means of wire-
nuts (refer to the diagrams for proper pigtail wiring). The pigtail cable's connector then
snaps into the mating connector on the back of the GD-2B detector, allowing easy
installation and replacement of the GD-2B. For proper detector operation, ensure that
the GD-2B is connected to a continuous source of power (not controlled by a wall
switch). The GD-2B current draw figures represent worst-case conditions and will not
vary as the applied DC voltage varies.
The alarm control panel zone inputs must be terminated with end of line resistors
(E.O.L.R.), which are provided with the panel.
In the configuration, as shipped from the factory, the GD-2B is used with normally
open initiating circuits. A jumper on the circuit board can be removed to use the GD-2B
with normally closed initiating circuits. When using the GD-2B with normally closed
initiating circuits, remove the blue jumper labeled “ALARM RELAY” on the top side the
printed circuit board under the buzzer.