Setting Up The Cook
Important Safety Information
– Make sure the cooking chamber and cooking grills (12) are clean and free from any fat or grease build up, before use.
Do Not!
– Open the Cooking Chamber Door (4) whilst the Fire Door (5) is open, as this can cause a sudden influx of air (oxygen)
which can cause a major flare up
ProQ® Reverse Flow Smokers usually take around 40 minutes to reach 200⁰F -250⁰F (95⁰C – 120⁰C) from the initial lighting up.
Once reached, they maintain the temperature (with very little, or no adjustment) for up to 20 hours on a single load of good
quality BBQ Charcoal.
TIP: Use the time you are waiting for the Smoker to reach temperature to prepare the food.
Please remember to use good quality BBQ/ Oven Mitts, when handling the smoker, as all internal surfaces are now hot.
Step 1. Open the Cooking Chamber Door (4) and place food on the cooking grills.
Step 2. Feed the digital thermometer probe wires through the Temp Probe Inlet (8).
Step 3. Close the Cooking Chamber Door (4) by slamming it shut and let the unit come back up to temperature (this usually takes
no longer than 10 – 15 minutes).
Step 4. Open the Fire Door (5), pull out the Ash Pan (14) and place a couple of “fist sized” chunks of smoking wood in to the Ash
Pan (14). Close the door.
TIP: Use smoke to flavour the food as you would a spice or seasoning…Different varieties of wood impart different flavours.