Instructions for use
MacroMedics ®
9. Glossary of Symbols
Symbol Name
Description of Symbol
European Conformity
EC Declaration of Conformity by Manufacturer.
Indicates the medical device manufacturer.
Catalogue Number
Indicates the manufacturer’s catalogue number so that the
medical device can be identifi ed.
GS1 Code: (10)
Batch Code
Indicates the manufacturer’s batch code so that the batch or
lot can be identifi ed.
GS1 Code: (21)
Serial Number
Indicates the manufacturer’s serial number so that a specifi c
medical device can be identifi ed.
Consult Instruction for Use
Indicates the need for the user to consult the instructions for
Indicates the need for the user to consult the instructions for
use for important cautionary information such as warnings
and precautions that cannot, for a variety of reasons, be
presented on the medical device itself.
Prescription Only
Devices for sale to physicians or trained healthcare providers
Keep Dry
Indicates a medical device that needs to be protected from
Keep Away from Sunlight
Indicates a medical device that needs protection from light
GS1 Code: (17)
Use-by Date
Indicates the date after which the medical device is not
to be used. When the graphical symbol is used, the date is
expressed in the format: YYYY-MM-DD. On the other hand,
when expressed next to the GS1 Code (17), the date is in the
format: YYMMDD.
MR Safe
An item that poses no known hazards resulting from
exposure to any MR environment. MR Safe items are
composedof materials that are electrically nonconductive,
non-metallic, and nonmagnetic.
MR Unsafe
An item which poses unacceptable risks to the patient,
medical staff or other persons within the MR environment.
Single patient multiple use To indicate that the emdical device may be used multiple
times (multiple procedures) on a single patient.