<!--- Use cfselect to present the contents of the query by column --->
<h3>cfselect Presentation of Data</h3>
<h4>Click an employee’s last name and click "see information for this employee"
to see expanded information.</h4>
<cfselect name = "EmployeeNames" message = "Select an Employee Name"
size = "#getEmployees.recordcount#" query = "GetEmployees"
value = "LastName" required = "No">
<option value = "">Select All
<input type = "Submit" name = ""
value = "see information for this employee">
<!--- showing use of cftree for expanded presentation of data --->
<!--- Loop through the query to create each branch of the cftree --->
<h3>cftree Presentation of Data</h3>
<h4>Click the folders to "drill down" and reveal information.</h4>
<p>cftreeitem is used to create the branches of the cftree.
<p><cftree name = "SeeEmployees" height = "150" width = "240"
font = "Arial Narrow" bold = "No" italic = "No" border = "Yes"
hScroll = "Yes" vScroll = "Yes" required = "No" completePath = "No"
appendKey = "Yes" highlightHref = "Yes">
<cfloop query = "GetEmployees">
<cftreeitem value = "#Emp_ID#" parent = "SeeEmployees" expand = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#LastName#" display = "Name"
parent = "#Emp_ID#" queryAsRoot = "No" expand = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#LastName#, #FirstName#"
parent = "#LastName#" expand = "No" queryAsRoot = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#Department#" display = "Department"
parent = "#Emp_ID#" queryAsRoot = "No" expand = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#Department#"
parent = "#Department#" expand = "No" queryAsRoot = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#Phone#" display = "Phone"
parent = "#Emp_ID#" queryAsRoot = "No" expand = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#Phone#"
parent = "#Phone#" expand = "No" queryAsRoot = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#Email#" display = "Email"
parent = "#Emp_ID#" queryAsRoot = "No" expand = "No">
<cftreeitem value = "#Email#"
parent = "#Email#" expand = "No" queryAsRoot = "No">
<!--------For a more comprehensive, quicker view, you can use CFGRID ------->
<h3>cfgrid Presentation of Data</h3>
<cfgrid name="SampleGrid" width="600" query="GetEmployees" insert="No"
delete="No" sort="No" font="Verdana" bold="No" italic="No" appendkey="No"
highlighthref="No" griddataalign="LEFT" gridlines="Yes" rowheaders="No"
rowheaderalign="LEFT" rowheaderitalic="No" rowheaderbold="No"
colheaderalign="CENTER" colheaderitalic="No" colheaderbold="No"
bgcolor="Teal" selectmode="BROWSE" picturebar="No">
<cfgridcolumn name="LastName" header="Last Name" headeralign="LEFT"
dataalign="LEFT" bold="No" italic="No" select="Yes" display="Yes"
headerbold="No" headeritalic="No"> <cfgridcolumn name="FirstName"
header="First Name" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT" fontsize="2"
bold="No" italic="No" select="No" display="Yes" headerbold="No"
<cfgridcolumn name="Email" header="Email" headeralign="LEFT" dataalign="LEFT"
bold="No" italic="No" select="No" display="Yes" headerbold="No"
Страница 1: ...CFML Reference...
Страница 16: ...16 Contents...
Страница 32: ...32 Chapter 1 Reserved Words and Variables...
Страница 123: ...cffile 123 cffile action rename source c files memo keymemo doc destination c files memo oldmemo doc...
Страница 144: ...144 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags action close stopOnError Yes p Did it succeed cfoutput cfftp succeeded cfoutput...
Страница 160: ...160 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags html...
Страница 186: ...186 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags br CGI variable CGI cgi_test br br Note that the CGI variable is URL encoded cfoutput...
Страница 214: ...214 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags name sourcedata value Hello world friend cfinvoke cfoutput varName cfoutput...
Страница 245: ...cfmail 245 p input type Submit name form...
Страница 258: ...258 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags Example cfobject type corba context ior class c myobject ior name GetName...
Страница 299: ...cfreturn 299 cffunction cfcomponent...
Страница 354: ...354 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfoutput cfcatch cftry...
Страница 357: ...cfupdate 357 cftable cfif body html...
Страница 362: ...362 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfloop MyDoc cfxml cfdump var MyDoc...
Страница 397: ...ASin 397 br input type Text name sinNum size 25 p input type Submit name input type RESET form...
Страница 416: ...416 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions P INPUT TYPE Submit VALUE Compare these Strings NAME INPUT TYPE RESET FORM...
Страница 418: ...418 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions br br input type Submit name nbsp nbsp input type RESET form...
Страница 486: ...486 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions input type Submit NAME form...
Страница 492: ...492 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions b http_content x content b cfoutput...
Страница 504: ...504 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions tr table form...
Страница 519: ...IIf 519 cfoutput b...
Страница 530: ...530 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions IsCustomFunction myTestCFCobject testFunc myTestCFCobject testFunc is a function CFIF...
Страница 534: ...534 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions input type Submit name form...
Страница 542: ...542 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions cfif cfif...
Страница 547: ...IsStruct 547 cfcase cfswitch...
Страница 550: ...550 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions IsWDDX returns IsWDDX packet br cfoutput...
Страница 559: ...Left 559 option value 9 9 select input type Submit name Remove characters form...
Страница 565: ...ListContains 565 cfoutput The string two is in b element ListFind aList two b of the list cfoutput...
Страница 608: ...608 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions check the current locale for server cfset serverLocale GetLocale...
Страница 620: ...620 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions cfoutput cfloop...
Страница 662: ...662 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions replacelist stringtoreplace dog brown fox black cow black ferret white cfoutput...
Страница 681: ...SetVariable 681 p Your variable varName p The value of varName is varNameValue cfoutput cfif...
Страница 684: ...684 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions br br input type Submit name nbsp nbsp input type RESET form...
Страница 724: ...724 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions cfelse h3 Conversion error h3 cfif...
Страница 743: ...XmlNew 743 cfscript cfdump var MyDoc...
Страница 786: ...786 Chapter 5 ColdFusion Java CFX Reference...
Страница 798: ...798 Chapter 6 WDDX JavaScript Objects...
Страница 806: ...806 Chapter 7 ColdFusion ActionScript Functions...