Thump12 • Thump15 P
ed Loudspe
Thump12 • Thump15 Powered Loudspeakers
Large Club System
Hookup Diagrams continued...
Here’s how to set up a large club system. In this example, the L/R outputs of a DL1608 mixer are
connected directly to the channel A inputs of two Thump18S subwoofers. The channel A full range
outputs of these two Thump18S subwoofers are connected directly to the channel A inputs of another
set of Thump18S subwoofers. Talk about beefy low end...and we’ve only connected the subs!
The channel A high pass outputs of the last two Thump18S subwoofers are connected directly to the
inputs of the main pair of Thump15 loudspeakers.
The aux 1 and aux 2 sends from the mixer are connected directly to the inputs of a pair of Thump12
loudspeakers to be used as monitors for the band.