17. To record, click the Record button in the Transport area (or press
keyboard R). Tracktion records any armed tracks (icon with arrow).
Play your guitar as the vertical cursor line moves right. A pink bar shows the track recording.
18. To stop recording, click the Record button (or R) again. A squiggly-
wiggle (amplitude vs time waveform) of your recording is displayed.
19. To play back your guitar recording, grab the purple vertical cursor line with your mouse and move
it to the beginning of your recording (or press
), turn the MIX knob to USB, click Play (green
triangle) in the transport area, and gently turn the MONITOR or PHONES knob up to suit. If you
are happy with your guitar recording, drag the Ch.1 icon to the left to disarm the track.
20. To record some vocals, drag the Ch.2 icon to track 2 (the mic is connected to Ch.2 on the XD-2).
To play back your guitar recording
hear the direct input from your microphone, turn the MIX
knob to the 12 o'clock position. Adjust the CH.2 GAIN knob so your vocals do not light the OL
LEDs. Adjust the MIX knob to fi ne tune the balance between the direct and USB signal. Press Re-
cord to record your vocal masterpiece.
21. You can record other instruments, passages, vocals, wax cylinders, CDs and sessions onto other
tracks, and assemble a masterpiece by continuing in a similar fashion. As you record and play
other tracks, Mute any tracks you don't want to hear, (Mute M appears to the right of each
22. When your unique sounds are on the computer, they can be processed in many ways, and option-
ally sent back through the XD-2 for a fi nal master pass and tweak. Tracktion comes with various
plug-ins, and there are many third party plug-ins available. Tracktion lets you export your master-
work in various formats for distribution, and lets you import previous work.
For more details about using Spike please see page 59 of the user's guide.