This section provides complete instructions for mounting the
MacFi-mp, MP3 Digital Audio Record / Play System on a wall or
table. It also illustrates all interface requirements to auxiliary
equipment, including inputs and outputs. Configuration switch
settings are provided.
2.1 Installation
These are the general steps for installation.
1. Find a space on the wall or table. For table top applications,
install included rubber feet. Allow approximately 6 inches in
front of, and 6 inches above the unit for user access to the
controls and wiring.
2. Mount the unit to the selected place with its wiring at least
18” away from power supply or other equipment that
generates electrical noise.
3. Set DIP switches to the desired operation.
4. Connect audio inputs and outputs.
5. Connect control inputs and outputs.
6. If you are using the optional power supply, make sure there
is a standard, non-switched electrical outlet available.
7. Connect and apply power.
8. Test unit operation.
2.2 Hardware
2.2.1. Power
1 2
Two terminal pluggable connector.
1 12 VDC at 1 amp
2 Ground
Power LED
No power supplied to unit
Power on, system OK
Green LED which
indicates that power is
supplied to the unit and
operating correctly