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Check wheel brakes
Maintaining the brakes is an essential aspect of machine maintenance. Whilst
erecting a machine the operator depends on the brakes functioning.
Check brake function whilst machine is flat on the ground.
1. Move the brake arm back and forth to its extent of travel. Ensure it moves
If brake won’t move or is stiff grease and retry.
2. Ensure wheel cannot be moved whilst brake is operated.
Check belt roller condition
Ensuring no muck or debris is built up on or around the rollers is essential to
ensure good performance and service life.
Check belt rollers whilst power is off.
1. Lift belt at base and top of machine.
2. Inspect the condition of steel pitching rollers.
3. Move along the machine checking the rollers are free moving and free
of debris or build up.
4. If a roller is seized, replace straight away as this can damage the belt
and cause tracking issues.