5.4 Checking and Adjusting Knife Drive Belt Tension
Proceed to the section that applies to the header’s knife drive con
5.4.1 Tensioning Non-Timed Knife Drive Belts, page 51
5.4.2 Tensioning Timed Knife Drive Belts, page 52
5.4.3 Tensioning Timed Knife Drive V-Belts, page 54
Single-knife headers have one knife-drive belt and double-knife headers have two knife-drive belts.
5.4.1 Tensioning Non-Timed Knife Drive Belts
To avoid bodily injury or death from unexpected startup of machine, always stop engine and remove key
before making adjustments to machine.
To prolong the belt and drive life, do
overtighten the belt.
1. Open the left endshield.
2. Loosen the two bolts (A) securing the motor assembly
to the header endsheet.
3. Turn the adjuster bolt (B) clockwise to move the drive
motor until a force of 133 N (30 lbf) de
ects the belt (C)
24–28 mm (15/16–1-1/8 in.) at the midspan.
Figure 5.5: Left Side Shown – Right Side
Opposite for Double-Knife Headers
4. Ensure the clearance between the belt (A) and the belt
guide (B) is 1 mm (1/16 in.).
5. Loosen the three bolts (C), and adjust the position of
the guide (B) as required.
6. Tighten the three bolts (C).
7. Close the endshield.
Double-knife headers only:
Repeat procedure on the
other side of the header.
Figure 5.6: Knife Drive
Revision A