5. Place 150 mm (6 in.) blocks (A) under each end and
center of cutterbar, and then lower header onto blocks.
6. Remove chain and move lifting vehicle to rear
of header.
7. Attach chain to center-link anchor on frame tube and
raise rear of header so that stand can be lowered.
Figure 2.5: Block at One End of Cutterbar
8. Lower header stand by pulling pin (A), lowering
stand (B), and releasing pin (A) to secure stand
in place.
9. If ground is soft, place a block under the stand.
10. Lower header onto stand.
Figure 2.6: Header Stand
2.2.2 Lowering Double-Reel Header
Reposition header in preparation for assembly and setup
as follows:
1. Choose an area with level ground.
2. Drive lifting vehicle to approach header from
its underside.
Figure 2.7: Lift Location
Revision A