All paragliders used in flight must be checked at least every 24 months. For paragliders
used by paragliding schools the period is 12 months.
Personnel authorised to carry out checks
A valid flying license and training course by National association are the basis for
permission to carry out paraglider checks
Identification of glider
An identity sticker with details of certification and serial number is attached to the glider.
The porosity should be checked with a porosity meter (JDC). Compare the resultant data
with the producer's manual.
Porosity measures should be taken on at least three points of both the top and bottom
surface. The first point should be placed 20-30 cm from leading edge in the middle of
canopy. Second and third points are placed left and right from first measure point at 25%
of the span. One additional measurement should be made on the top surface of the wing
The identified time should be higher than 30 second (JDC). In the event of the result
being less than 30 seconds, the result of the check is a fail.
The check of canopy strength should be made with a Bettsometer (B.M.A.A approved
Patent No. GB 2270768 Clive Betts Sales). On the top and bottom surfaces make small
holes with a needle at the Aline attachment points. The exact verification should be made
in accordance with the Bettsometer user manual.
Line strengths should be as specified in accordance with the DHV requirements. One
main line should be taken from each array and have its strength checked with a tension-
Required strengths should be higher than:
- A + B main lines x measured value > 8 x maximum take-off weight and higher then
800 kg for the A + B arrays.
- C + D mean lines x measured value > 6 x maximum take-off weight and higher then
600 kg for the A + B arrays.
Replacements for damaged lines must be with new original lines. Line lengths are taken
from the lines data page.
Components of the check
Overall strength check
Line strength check
Line length measurement
Canopy line-attachment points check
Canopy fabric check
Connector check
Final check
Lines should be separated and each line measured under a tension of 5 kg. Measurement
is made from the line karabiner to the canopy according to the DHV method. Rib numbering
begins in the middle of canopy and leads to the wing tip.
Measured full lengths should be documented in the inspection record and are compared
with the DHV type protocol. Lengths should not differ by more than 20 mm. The opposite
sides should be checked for symmetry.
Attachment points should be checked for damage and stretching. Defects, loops and
flares should be repaired.
Ribs, diagonal ribs, top and bottom surface should be checked. Any damage to sewing or
tears to the fabric, which could influence flying characteristics must be repaired.
All lines should be checked for tears, breaks any damage to the sheath or signs of wear.
Special attention should be paid to the sewing of the line loops. Damaged lines must be
The results should be documented in the inspection record.
All line carabineers, trimmers (if used), speed systems and pulleys should be inspected for
visible damage. Open or improperly secured connectors should be secured in accordance
with the producers recommendations.
Both risers should be checked for tears, signs of wear or any damage and measured with a
pull of 5 daN strength. Measured data should be documented in the inspection record. The
difference must not be higher then 5 mm when compared to specified lengths.
The glider sticker and check sticker must be inspected for readability and correctness.
The check must be documented with date, signature and stamp on the canopy and in the
user manual.