15. RISK
The compatibility of a harness with integrated / solid inner container to an external
emergency equipment must be guaranteed by the manufacturer of the harness and is
tested by internal tests with different bulky containers. The opening processes of the
rescue device are dependent on the type and size of the inner container. There is the
possibility that the rescue equipment has a slowed-down opening or not even open in use
of a smaller inner container or inner container of other design.
In the rescue manufacturing we take care that different materials are handled separately.
It is possible that minimal parts of this coating are solved and get transferred on the fabric if
the lines and the fabric are packed together. This can lead to bonding and thus a delayed
opening. Similarly, a defined packing method is recommended which is not useful or
possible in each inner container from other brands.
Changes that differ from the original packing method or the packaging size can increase
the opening time and reduce the opening quality.
The implementation and installation of a MAC PARA rescue unit in the inner container of a
third-party may be made only by trained personal by MAC PARA. During the conversion
and installation of the rescue the manual of the rescue as also of the harness - or inside
container manufacturer - has to exist and the corresponding installation and pack
instructions need to be followed. The conversion in the non-original inner container is to
note in the packing ID and signed by the pack manager.
We would like to point out that we pay much attention to a uniform development of our
rescue systems. This refers to all system details and also includes the inner container.
Who changes the inner container on our rescue equipment or remodels, change the quality
of opening under certain circumstances. We definitely recommend a proper release during
a compatibility-check. Take special care if the lines packed together with the canopy in the
container and recheck the eventual problem explained in point 2. On the usual precautions
(dry storage, no com- pact packing, no moisture in the system etc.) in the handling of
harness, inner container and rescue device should be placed special emphasis.
The operating manual as well as additional information can be found on
www.MAC PARA.com for Download file.