To attach the rescue bridle to the harness webbing
A Maillon Rapide type connector or dynema soft shackle are recommended.
The connector should be rated at least 15 times the maximum weight, for example,
a 7mm Stainless Steel square Maillon – 3125 Kg - provides a suitable connection. The
Maillon should be held in place with rubber bands, tape or plastic heat shrink tube.
Webbing to webbing connection
Webbing to webbing connection is light and easy. The webbing knot must be kept tight
using tape. If loose these connections have potential danger of friction and melting of
the webbing during a deployment, which would significantly weaken or even cut the
connection. Tight both straps and secure them with rubber band or tape.
Attachment of rescue deployment bag and harness deployment handle
The rescue container of the Haven comes with its own deployment handle. This handle
is firmly and permanently connected to the deployment bag of the parachute. Other
manufacturers’ rescue chutes may also be used, but they must be folded in Haven`s
original deployment bag with lateral deployment handle.
In any case a qualified professional must check the compatibility of the system;
harness and rescue parachute, when a rescue parachute is installed for the first time.
After every repack of the rescue parachute you can do this compatibility check yourself.
Please observe carefully how the professional installs the rescue system, so that you
can remember the procedure when you have to do it yourself the next time.
This compatibility check - that means to test if the rescue can be released from the
rescue container in the harness - must be done by the pilot himself, sitting in the
harness hanging on a simulator. It must be done after every repack of the rescue
parachute to be sure that the rescue can be released without problems in case of an