m2m Germany GmbH | Am Kappengraben 18-20 | 61273 Wehrheim | 06081 5873860
Flashing 2 seconds
Flashing 1 second
Data error
Connection error
3.4 Firmware update
Save the new firmware file (.exe) on the PC, run the file, select the USB FW port and start the update:
and waiting for the end message.
4. Setup
4.1 Period
Period is the interval (in minutes) between one measure and the next one. The sensor sends one measures for every transmission. Value can be between 15 and 65535
minutes (default: 30 minutes).
Period interval can be set with App or with downlink command.
4.2 Modbus settings
4.2.1 Serial line settings
Baudrate [bps]
set the baudrate for the serial line (defalt = off).
Steady state