Caution: The copperweld steel loop elements are packed in a tightly
wrapped condition. Use extreme care while unpacking the loops. Work in a
clear area and be sure no one is standing near during unpacking.
Tool Required: 3/32” and 5/32 Allen wrench (provided) and 1/2 & 9/16 end wrench or socket.
1. To facilitate shipping, the loops are bent slightly in the middle. Straighten these, and any other bends, so
the elements form round circles. Locate the rod and thread the loop elements through the crossed holes in the
tip to their midpoints.
NOTE: be sure the loop elements are not shorted together at the crossover point; the pattern will be distorted.
2. Align the elements carefully with the terminals at the top of the balun case. Install the set-screws with the
3/32” Allen wrench, and insert the ends of the loop wires into the appropriate terminals. Insert wires until ends
butt against the Delrin collar at the base of the fiberglass rod. Tighten the 3/32” set-screws. This completes
assembly. A common mobile mounting 3/8-24 thread in bottom of balun case is used for mounting the EB-
For best
results in a horizontally polarized mobile installation, the Eggbeater should be at
least two feet above the top of the vehicle, preferably higher. To prevent damage to the antenna or mount, a
heavy duty spring should be installed 4” to 26” below the threaded insert on the balun case. Another mast
section can be added below the spring if additional height is desired. To enhance the overhead circular
pattern for
communications, mount the EB-432 loops at 1/8 wave (3.5”) above the roof, basically
at roof level or attached directly to a mag-mount.
For best
results, no reflector is
required. Mount the EB-432 as high as possible and
preferably on the top of a mast.
For mostly
communications use, add the
RK-70cm Reflector as shown. Alternately, mount the
EB-432 directly on a metal plane of mesh or solid
metal 15” square or larger. Mounting this way will
reduce your terrestrial performance by about 6 dB but
improve your satellite signal by about the same
amount. The Eggbeater produces an omnidirectional,
horizontally polarized pattern, so no particular
orientation is necessary.