M.E.Y. Equipment – 26” Twin Clutch VERTIMOWER
To obtain an even depth of cut, setting up the vertimower correctly is important
and the following procedure is recommended.
Turn off petrol.
Turn engine to Top Dead Centre (TDC).
Lay back mower on 20 ltr drum or catcher.
Place straight edge between back and front rollers, chain case side.
Measure from tip of blade to straight edge and adjust front roller to the desired
cutting depth - normally the first pass might be at -2mm and then the cam adjuster
would allow this to be increased to -6mm
Check alignment of front roller to cutting blade and adjust front roller
Rub chalk on back roller.
Check back roller alignment to front roller.
Adjust back roller accordingly by rotating the back roller cam.
Re-check height on chain case side using your straight edge.
We recommend that the following checks be made before operation of the vertimower:-
Check engine oil level - top up with manufacturer’s recommended lubricant.
Check that the air filter is clean - follow manufacturer’s recommendations.
Grease the nipples on the drive shaft bearings.
Oil the cutter clutch, remove the slotted countersunk screw from the female
clutch cone and add a couple of drops of light engine oil, add two or three drops
of oil through the male clutch cone hole between the clutch forks ( you may need
to rotate either of the cones for the lubrication points to be readily accessible).
Adjust the cutter reel height to the required first cut depth - see section on height
Lubricate the chains on a regular basis with good quality chain oil.
Check that all the vertimower’s bolts are secure.