NOTE: When any signal is present at the CT-14 input, the
“Signal Present” LED will light on the front of the unit. The
CT-14 is “format neutral” and does not analyze the incoming
signal. Therefore, although signal presence is detected by
the CT-14, it may not necessarily be a valid S/PDIF format
Other Typical uses of the CT-14
Sending a single digital out to multiple digital effects units.
Outputting to several D/A converters simultaneously.
Using a single digital out to both monitor your system’s
output and master to DAT and/or CD at the same time.
Multiplying the sends on your digital mixer
If you have any questions about your CT-14, please
contact our tech support in any of the following ways:
voice: (626) 445-8495
email: [email protected]
fax: (626) 445-7564
USA: 45 E. St. Joseph Street • Arcadia, CA 91006-2861 • Tel: (626) 445-2842
Fax: (626) 445-7564 • Web: http://www.midiman.net • Email: [email protected]
UK: Unit 22, Harrogate Business Park • Freemans Way • Harrogate • N Yorks • HG3 1DH • England
Tel: 44 1423 886692 • Fax: 44 1423 886693• Email: [email protected]
Germany: Kuhallmand 34 • D-74613 Ohringen • Germany • Tel: 49 7941 98 7000
Fax: 49 7941 98 70070 • Web: http://www.midiman.de • Email: [email protected]