FX Depth (FXDpth)
The pedal range is from 0 to the current setting (positive or negative).
FX Key (FXKey)
The range is from the current setting to +7.
FX Wet/Dry (FX WetDry)
The pedal movement replaces the panel parameter and has a range of 0-99.
Delay Volume (DlyVol)
The pedal range is from 0 to the current setting.
Delay Repeats (DlyRpt)
The pedal movement replaces the panel parameter and has a range of 0-99.
Drums to Delay (Dm2Dly)
The pedal movement replaces the panel parameter and has range of D0-D99, the first half of the parameter’s range.
Drums to Filter (Dm2Flt)
The pedal movement replaces the panel parameter and has a range of F0-F99, the second half of the parameter’s range.
What Does the Knob Do?
This is known as a “minimum/maximum” knob. Rolling the knob all the way forward sets it to maximum, while turning it
all the way back sets it to minimum. Normally you’ll want this knob set to the maximum setting. To explain how to use this
knob creatively, let’s use the FX Wet/Dry setting as an example. First, select factory preset 80 TAKBX1. Turn the knob to the
maximum position. Press the UTILITY key and use the 3rd rotary knob to assign WETDRY for the expression pedal. With the
pedal at the toe position, the sound is 100% wet with the TalkBox effect. At the heel position, the effect is 100% dry (no TalkBox
effect is heard). Now roll the knob back just a bit. When the pedal is at the heel position, you’ll still hear a bit of the TalkBox
effect, but when you push the pedal to the toe position you’ll hear the effect 100% wet.
Try the same thing with DELAY VOLUME assigned to the expression pedal. If the knob is rolled back just a bit, you’ll always
have a bit of the delay in your signal even with the expression pedal at the heel position. However, you’ll have 100% delay
at the toe position.