Hand Drums
Berimbau (beer-im-bow)
- A one-string Afro-Brazilian bow, originally from Angola. It is played with a thin stick, held in the right hand,
which at the same time holds a caxixi. The other hand holds and balances the instrument, while simultaneously holding a stone or
coin. When pressed against the string, the stone or coin produces tone variations such as high tones or buzz tones.
- A set of two small drums typically held between the knees and played with the fingers.
Conga (kuhn-gah)
- The most important hand drum in Latin music. It is usually grouped in a set of three drums of varying sizes: the
quinto (keen-toh), secondo (seh-koon-doh), and tumbadora (toom-bah-dohr-ah). Each conga drum appears individually in addition
to the “Conga Full” keymap, which contains all three.
- Single-headed Brazilian friction drum. Sound is produced by rubbing a small stick on the drum’s inside membrane.
Finger Snaps
- Snap sound produced by friction between thumb and middle finger.
Pandeiro (pan-day-ho)
- A high-pitched hand drum with tambourine-like shakers.
- Latin instrument with a small sound chamber and an attached wooden ball. Slapping the ball into your hand causes it to
strike the sound chamber, which creates a rapidly vibrating tone.
Stick Drums
Jam Blocks
- Two wooden blocks, one large and one small, struck with a small wooden mallet.
Repenique (reh-peh-neek)
- A metal drum commonly used as a solo instrument in samba music. It is played with a stick in one hand
while the other (bare) hand plays counterpoint on the drum head.
Surdo (sore-doo)
- Surdo drums are large cylindrical drums with two heads. They are typically played with a large mallet while the
free hand muffles the drum. Three surdu drums of different sizes are included here: Bombo (bomb-boh), Cortador (core-tah-door),
and Macana (mah-keh-nah). The Bombo has been sampled using both felt and wooden mallets; the Cortador and Macana drums
are sampled using wooden mallets only.
Tamborim (tam-boh-reem)
- A small, cylindrical drum struck with a thin stick to produce sharp tones.
Timbales (tim-bah-lays)
- Used often as a solo instrument, the Timbales are a set of two open-bottomed metal drums mounted side-
by-side on a metal stand and played with wooden sticks.
Timbalitos (tim-bah-lee-toes)
- Similar to timbales in construction, but with smaller diameter heads that yield noticeably higher
pitches when played.
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