LYNX Pro Audio S.L. -
Valencia, Spain -
www.lynxproaudio.com [email protected]
Thanks to the RAINBOW software, you will be able to “virtually” determine the acoustical response of one or
various cabinets at the same time.
Based on polar response measurements, taken
meticulously with a 360º coverage both vertically
and horizontally, the Rainbow software is able to
calculate the SPL response including the
interaction between them taking into account the
magnitude and phase response, in order to enable
the user to correct cancellations and even to
create them if the acoustical design so requires.
Rainbow is very easy to use and offers a very
intuitive design, multitool interface and on-line
updatable data base.
The Rainbow software has been designed by and
for sound technicians. Its aim is to help installers
and users of Lynx pro audio products.
This software is able to import WMF Vector Files
with technical drawings and insert them directly
into the prediction window and thus enabling real
measurement predictions.
This also helps to determine dead zones and
obtain the maximum performance from each of the
cabinets installed.