of 34
Fill in or edit the owner information.
Select the Display Owner Identification check box to display this information when the mobile
computer starts.
Notes Tab
Enter information in the Notes box to add more details if requested.
Select Display owner notes box to include this information on the startup display.
Network ID Tab (picture 47)
Select the Network ID tab to setup identification for remote networks and enter the user
name, password and domain name used to log on to the remote network.
Confirm with
to apply changes or click
to exit without saving the new entries.
3.9 Password
Password Properties is used to set up a password for the handheld (picture 48).
To enter the password in the „Password“ field: open the keyboard input panel, click then in
the password field and enter the password using the keyboard input panel.
Select „Enable password protection at power-on“ in order to be asked for the password when
starting the handheld.
Select „Enable password protection for screen-saver“ in order to be asked for the password
when exiting the screen-saver program.
Confirm with
to apply changes or click
to exit without saving the new entries.
3.10 PC Connection
PC Connection Properties window is used to set the mobile computer communication with
the host computer.
Select „Enable direct connections to the desktop computer“ to allow for direct connections
Select „Change Connection“ to change the selection.
Select the connection type from the drop-down list (picture 50).
Click then
to exit the Change Connection window.
Confirm with
to apply the changes or click
to exit without saving the new entries.
3.11 Power