Display current system working mode
Display current system data channel
System microphone online number, if the number change constantly, it means the
signal of receiving is not good.
IR audio signal for channel 1~4
= Signal disconnect
= Signal very weak
= Signal weak
= Signal good
= Signal strong
Current active microphone number
2.8.2 Schematic diagram of microphone LCD
1) Battery capacity
=Battery capacity full.
= Battery capacity about 60%
= Battery capacity about 30%
= Battery capacity less than 10%
=Battery charged by DC power and microphone was powered by external DC power
= Battery full, microphone was powered by external DC power.
2) Signal level.
= Signal disconnect
= Signal very weak
= Signal weak
= Signal good
= Signal strong
3) Microphone ON/OFF state
4) Current microphone ID number
5) Current microphone data channel (data channel must same as main unit channel)
6) Microphone will auto-close in 99 seconds if there is no pick-up sound after turn on
7) Menu of microphone setting (set LCD contrast, light time etc)