Wireless Transmitter Setup Instructions
Q . What is the maximum distance between transmitter and receiver?
A. In free air, the receivers can reach up to 1800 feet away when set at the maximum power, 20dBm.
Inside a building there are reflections and losses which make it hard to predict the range. Usually the
lights remain connected and in communication within a theater, church or gymnasium without any
issue. If possible, locate the transmitter strategically, away from metal enclosures and other RF
Q. How does radio frequency RF interference affect the performance of ZMX?
A. There can be a momentary loss of communication, but because DMX is a streaming protocol that
repeats frequently, usually the loss of single packet is not noticeable.
Q. What kind of communication does ZMX use?
A. Digital spread spectrum DSSS, according to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard
Q. What is the radio frequency band of ZMX?
A. 2.4 to 2.5GHz range.
Q. What are the channels for?
A. Up to 16 different channels are available and can easily be changed on the transmitter. When the
channel is changed at the transmitter, all lighting units will automatically follow.
Q. Can I use both wireless and wired DMX with the same light fixture?
A. Yes, but not at the same time. In order to use a wired connection, the lighting unit must be unpaired.
Q. How might ZMX interfere with other wireless equipment?
A. In some rare situations there can be interference with ham radios, but this is not expected.
Q. Is ZMX compatible with other wireless DMX systems?
A. Usually not, ZMX is a proprietary Luxium system.
Q. Can the ZMX system be used on a wi-fi system?
A. No, although there are ways to bridge a DMX signal to a WiFi network.
Q. How can I increase the performance of my ZMX system?
A. There is a signal strength adjustment in the menu of the ZMX transmitter. It will be factory set to
+20dBm, the highest power output allowed by FCC for the ISM band. Place the transmitter where it can
be near the lighting units and avoid placing it near large metal objects or surfaces.
Q. The ZMX does not pair with my lights: what is happening?
A. It is possible the lights were previously paired with another transmitter. Please follow the Unpair ALL
instructions to reset the lights so they can be paired with the new transmitter.