is broken down into three major components: Visible light,
ultraviolet light, and infrared light.
Vitamin D producing ultraviolet light and red light wavelengths con-
tribute to the enhanced sense of well-being we experience after a
few hours outdoors.
LED light therapy devices can harness the regenerative healing of red
light wavelengths, without the more problematic UVA and UVB light
rays that can cause skin cancer and premature aging found in unfil-
tered sunshine.
LED light therapy is the therapeutic science of utilizing red and
near-infrared light wavelengths to assist with the treatment of health
conditions and promote general well-being.
When used properly, red light therapy has the potential to improve
cellular health, increase testosterone, reduce pain, Improve circulation,
and reduce inflammation, amongst other things.
Combined with a healthy lifestyle, many have incorporated red light
therapy into their daily regimen, improving overall health and wellness.
Safety Considerations
Red &
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