LUX LUMEN - Kernenergiestraat 53A - 2610 WILRIJK – BELGIUM
T: +32 3 293 35 50 – F: +32 3 293 35 44
Revision change:
Brief description of change compared to former revision:
V01: Version without output configurator.
V02:Version with output configurator.
SPI signals and its variants :
It is important to understand that there are different versions of
the so called ‘SPI’ signal. Most of them are derivations from the
original SPI signal. It would be more correct to use the
following terms:
One wire control bus if there is asymmetrical data, without clock signal.
Two wire control bus if there is asymmetrical data, with asymmetrical
clock signal.
It is important to understand that the standard SPI-variants use
an asymmetric signal for the data communication.
It is also important to understand that the data signals of this
SPI variants use high clock frequency, which can lead to
instability of the signal. We strongly recommend not to use long
cable lengths, when the signal is asymmetric.
There are different manufacturers who claim that their chip is
SPI compatible, but in reality, this is seldom the case. Timing is
very important on an SPI-variant bus, so it might be possible
that you will not find a setting on the ArtNet node which is
compatible with your ledstrip. (or that it is not stable)
If this is the case, we strongly recommend you send 5 meter of
your strip, and your ArtNet node to Lux Lumen, so we can
change the timing for that particular used Chip. If we use the
term ‘SPI’ in this manual, we always refer to a variation of the
original SPI protocol.