Basic Yogurt Recipe
For many more amazoing yogurt recipes please visit our recipe blog at
www.luvele.com . We also have a recipe eBooks availble for download.
You can email us at [email protected] for more recipe info.
• 2L | 2.1qt. full cream milk
• 120ml | 4oz. natural yogurt (Starter)
• 70g | 2.5oz. full cream milk powder
Heat the milk to just below boiling point 80-85°C | 175-185°F, then allow to cool to
40°C|100°F. Use a sterilised kitchen thermometer to monitor temperature of milk when
heating and cooling.
When milk reaches 40°C | 104°F, stir in yogurt starter and milk powder until combined.
Do not aerate.
Pour yogurt mixture into the yogurt container and press down firmly on the container lid,
also press the vacuum button shut to create an airtight seal. Place the yogurt container
into the yogurt maker base, then add water to base, making sure not to fill above the ‘Tall Line
Indicator’ and then cover with outer yogurt maker lid.
Select the desired temperature and time using the digital control panel. You can
experiment with incubation time to get consistency you desire. However, you should not
have to go over an 8-10 hour incubation time.
When the yogurt maker has completed incubation time remove the outer lid and yogurt
container. Then remove the container lid and check the texture of the yogurt. Do not stir
the yogurt. If set to desired thickness switch yogurt maker off at power outlet and unplug.
Replace the yogurt container lid and place into refrigerator for 8 hours.
Leave enough of the yogurt you have made to use as a starter when making your next
yogurt mix. Consumer yogurt within 4-5 days.
Store bought powder starters can
be used instead of yogurt
It is said that SCD yogurt can assist is correcting the balance of bacteria types in the gut.
There has been much written about the benefits of adding SCD yogurt to your diet.
Introducing SCD yogurt to your diet can aid in correcting the balance of bacteria types in
the gut by eliminating the food supply of the undesirable types of bacteria and so starves
them out. This process then repopulates the gut with beneficial bacteria which further
displaces the harmful bacteria.SCD yogurt is also very nutritious and contains proteins,
vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats, and much more.
Heat the milk to just below boiling point 80-85°C | 175-185°F, then cool to 40°C | 104°F.
Use a sterilised kitchen thermometer to monitor temperature.
Once cooled to 40°C | 104°F, stir in your yogurt starter until combined. Use ¼ cup of
yogurt starter per litre | quart of milk, do not aerate. It is recommended not to use milk
powder when making SCD yogurt.
Pour yogurt mixture into the yogurt container and press down firmly on the container lid,
also press the vacuum button shut to create an airtight seal. Place the yogurt container
into the yogurt maker base, then add water to base, making sure not to fill above the ‘Tall Line
Indicator’ and then cover with outer yogurt maker lid.
Set the digital timer to incubate for 24 hours and the temperature to 38°C | 100°F, then
press confrim. Do not move yogurt maker during this time.
Unplug the yogurt maker and remove the container. Place the yogurt container into the
refrigerator and chill for 8 hours. The SCD yogurt is ready to consume after
8 hours of refrigeration.
SCD Yogurt | GAPS diet friendly
If store bought yogurt is used as a starter, the yogurt can contain
Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Streptococcus Thermophilus, and Lactobacillus
Bulgaricus. It should not contain gums, sugars, additives, or flavours of any kind.
The yogurt must contain active live culture.
Read More on Page 13.