6-1 Preparation before execute datalogger function
6-1 Preparation before execute datalogger function
6-1 Preparation before execute datalogger function
6-1 Preparation before execute datalogger function
a. Insert the micro SD card
Prepare a " micro SD memory card "( 4 GB to 32 GB, optional )
Open the Micro SD card cover(3-18, Fig. 1), follow the instructions
to the micro SD card inserted .
* It recommend use memory card capacity is
* It recommend use memory card capacity is
* It recommend use memory card capacity is
* It recommend use memory card capacity is
4 GB.
4 GB.
4 GB.
4 GB.
* When the instrument power use AC to DC Adapter,
* When the instrument power use AC to DC Adapter,
* When the instrument power use AC to DC Adapter,
* When the instrument power use AC to DC Adapter,
Micro SD Card data logger will be enable.
Micro SD Card data logger will be enable.
Micro SD Card data logger will be enable.
Micro SD Card data logger will be enable.
b. micro SD card Format
If micro SD card just the first time use into the meter, it recommend to
make the " micro SD card Format " at first,please refer chapter 8-1, page 23.
* If the micro SD card exist the trouble during format by the meter,
* If the micro SD card exist the trouble during format by the meter,
* If the micro SD card exist the trouble during format by the meter,
* If the micro SD card exist the trouble during format by the meter,
use the computer to reformat again can fix the problem.
use the computer to reformat again can fix the problem.
use the computer to reformat again can fix the problem.
use the computer to reformat again can fix the problem.
c. Time setting
If the meter is used at first time, it should to adjust the
clock time exactly, please refer chapter 8-6, page 26.
d. Decimal format setting
The numerical data structure of micro SD card
is default used the " . " as the decimal, for
example "20.6" "1000.53" . But in certain
countries ( Europe ...) is used the " , " as the
decimal point, for example " 20, 6 "
"1000,53". Under such situation, it should
change the Decimal character at first, details
of setting the Decimal point, refer to Chapter
8-5, page 25.
6-2 Auto Datalogger ( Set sampling time
6-2 Auto Datalogger ( Set sampling time
6-2 Auto Datalogger ( Set sampling time
6-2 Auto Datalogger ( Set sampling time
2 seconds )
2 seconds )
2 seconds )
2 seconds )
a. Start the datalogger
Press the " LOG Button ( 3-8, Fig. 1 ) > 1.5 seconds
continuously, the LCD will show the text of " LOGGER "
indicator and flashing per sampling time, at the same
time the measuring data along the time information will
be saved into the memory circuit.