Gifting a Used My Fabulous Storyteller
Is your child no longer using their My Fabulous Storyteller? Have you thought about pas-
sing it on to someone else? Your gift will bring joy to another child and you will do so-
mething good for the planet.
When you gift a used My Fabulous Storyteller, don’t forget to give your receipt of pur-
chase to the new owner. You will also remain the sole owner of the stories in your Lu-
nii account. My Fabulous Storyteller will reset to factory settings when the new owner
connects it to their own account.
Lunii is also giving back! Thanks to the support of our community, in 2020 we
were able to give 500 My Fabulous Storytellers to the Fondation Maintenant, the
Les Emplaqués association, and the #ProtegeTonSoignant collective which dis-
tributed them to children in hospitals all over France, Belgium, and Switzerland.
Let’s keep giving back together!