Luna 6225
DOC000015_OBR 6225
User’s Guide Rev001
Page 16
Measurement Tab
As shown in Figure 12, there are three groups of control options in the Measurement Tab, which are
titled as Measurement Options, Event Options and View.
Measurement Options
Group Index
allows the user to specify the group index of refraction (range: 1
RL Width
IL Width
allow the user to change the width of the integration regions that
are used for return loss and insertion loss measurements. In the Delay Plot, the single cursor
view provides a single vertical cursor with integration regions for measurement of both the
RL and IL across an event. The region with red highlighting is integrated to provide a RL
measurement. The two regions with grey highlighting are used to compute the IL.
allow the user to change the measurement range between 20 meter and 50
Event Options
(would be grayed out/disabled if
is unchecked)
Min Location
Max Location
allows the user to specify the length/location range of
events reported in the Event Table.
RL Threshold
IL Threshold
allows the user to specify threshold value for RL or IL for its
qualified as RL or IL events and to be reported in the Event Table.
Gaussian Filter
if checked (by default), applies a Gaussian filter to the data to smooth out
the graph. This is turned on by default.
Filter Size
sets the Gaussian Filter width in mm, options are 0.64mm, 1.28mm(default),
2.56mm, 5.12mm and 10.24mm.
If checked (by default), Event Table is displayed in UI. If unchecked, Event Table is
not displayed in UI, and Event Options settings would be disabled (grayed out).
Figure 12 Measurement tab