Possible Causes
Recommended Solutions
Instrument will
not pass ASSIST
Incorrect template
Go to the file drop down and select “load default template.” Re-run ASSIST.
Calibration particles
are not running
The particles must be running >1,000 events per second, and without sig-
nificant clumping. If the beads are diluted or clumped, try running a fresh
tube of beads. If the problem persists there may be a fluidics issue, see the
Flow rate stops or slows over time section.
Calibration and/or test
Tests may fail if the system is reloading sheath, or failed to set up properly.
Re-run the test by clicking in the box next to the test, and pressing the start
button in the popup window. If the test fails three times in a row, call Luminex
Technical Support.
Focus adjustor cal-
ibration failure
Verify brightfield is working properly.
Frame Offset cal-
ibration failure
Verify brightfield is working properly.
Spatial Offsets cal-
ibration failure
Verify brightfield is working properly.
Dark Current cal-
ibration failure
Make sure the excitation lasers are off and brightfield is blocked. Completely
power down the FlowSight
System and power back up to re-run the test.
Brightfield XTalk
calibration failure
Verify brightfield is working properly, and that spatial offsets passed.
Horizontal Laser Cal-
ibration failure
Verify the laser turns on and can set power properly. Completely power
down the FlowSight
System and power back up to re-run the test. Verify spa-
tial offsets passed.
Retro Calibration fail-
Verify the laser turns on and can set power properly. Verify spatial offsets
and frame offsets passed.
Side Scatter Cal-
ibration failure
Verify the 785 SSC laser turns on and can set power properly. Completely
power down the FlowSight
System and power back up to re-run the test.
Verify spatial offsets passed.
Laser Power test
Verify the laser turns on and can set power properly. Completely power
down the FlowSight
System and power back up to re-run the test. Verify spa-
tial offsets and frame offsets passed.
Brightfield alignment
test failure
Verify brightfield is working properly.
Brightfield uniformity
test failure
Verify brightfield is working properly.
Camera noise test fail-
Verify camera can image properly. Completely power down the FlowSight
System and power back up to re-run the test.
Flow Core Axial Stab-
ility test failure
Verify the reagent buffers are full. Run the sterilize script followed by the star-
tup script, and re-run the test.
For more information, see Unstable fluidics (Air or
Flow Core Lateral Stab-
ility test failure
See solution above (
For more information, see Flow Core Axial Stability test fail-
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Imaging Flow Cytometer User Manual