PackLite Hero 2-in-1
Evite cargar al interior. Las
ventanas bloquean la luz solar.
Do not charge indoors.
Windows block sunlight.
Ne la rechargez pas à l’intérieur.
Les fenêtres bloquent du soleil.
Nicht drinnen aufladen.
Cargue directamente al sol
para máximo rendimiento.
Charge outside for
optimum charging.
Rechargez-la dehors pour
les meilleurs résultats.
Für optimale Ladung draußen
aufladen, da Fenster das
Sonnenlicht blockieren.
** It is very important to make sure the plastic
cap that covers the USB port is securely closed
before any water activities. Product is not fully
waterproof if plastic cap is open.
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Important For Charging!
Important For Waterproofing!
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